Authentic Expressionist came as a result of finding my coach.
Like many of my clients, my life had started to feel too small. I had a beautiful life and a wonderful practice as a therapist, yet something was missing. It is not uncommon to feel a sense of discontent when on the threshold of growth. It is often through the sense of confinement that expansion can take place. My own expansion came through the reawakening of my magical self. I had forgotten about my connection with the fairies as a little girl. I had built up belief systems that were confining and I wanted more from my life. By working with my coach, everything changed.
I hope to assist you in finding your own authentic connection with your greater truth.
These are just some of my magical discoveries from working with my coach:
- I reconnected with the little girl in Germany who believed in elves and fairies as she went mushrooming in the forests.
- I felt the fog on my face as the young actress who left ballet donning her trench-coat as she rushed to hours of play rehearsal.
- I rediscovered the full flavor oft these semi-forgotten parts made all the more enticing by combining them with the savvy therapist/coach and the spiritual being who traveled to Fiji to become a blessing giver.
- I added to this a dash of daring, remembered dreams and ‘Authentic Expressionist” was born.
- I took my lifetime, blended the parts to create a new way to serve you into creating fascinating vistas of your life.
- I have fallen in love again…
Hello,I am back.

This is a picture of me as a little girl. Sometimes it’s easier to connect with our preciousness and compassion when we can see ourselves through the eyes of our inner little one.